Never thought the time would come but it has.
I arrived at that age where I need to take a pill every 8 hours a few years ago, which taking into account where we all are in these pandemic days, is not a big deal.
The problem I have now is that I frequenly forget to take one of them or worse, both.
I found a PalmOS application to deal with this and it works … … when I can hear it.
One problem is that the alarms in the Tunsten T|X are decidedly a pos, not to mention corny.
ie: alarm, bumble bee, reveille, wake up, warbler.
Palm really splurged on this. 8^|
The other problem is that they are rather subtle and on top of that, short.
I have not been able to find alarm sounds which will play on the Tungsten.
Any suggestion on how to deal with this?
Yes, I know.
But get a nurse/secretary/wife is much more expensive.
Thanks in advance.
On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 9:15 AM sawbona@gmx.net wrote:
I arrived at that age where I need to take a pill every 8 hours a few years ago, which taking into account where we all are in these pandemic days, is not a big deal.
The problem I have now is that I frequenly forget to take one of them or worse, both.
I found a PalmOS application to deal with this and it works … … when I can hear it.
One problem is that the alarms in the Tunsten T|X are decidedly a pos, not to mention corny.
ie: alarm, bumble bee, reveille, wake up, warbler. [...]
The other problem is that they are rather subtle and on top of that, short.
I have not been able to find alarm sounds which will play on the Tungsten.
Any suggestion on how to deal with this?
Most Palm OS apps which play alarms use system MIDI sounds (not WAV or
MP3 files) as alarm tones.
A.) You could try increasing whichever volume control affects the
volume of these sounds. I don't know which volume control this is.
B.) You could install some longer system MIDI sounds. Go to
https://palmdb.net/ and click the tiny link to Gingerbeardman's Palm
app search engine. Search for [ MIDI sounds ]. You'll find lots of
downloadable tones.
C.) Perhaps you could use some app which can play alarms at
pre-chosen times, and repeat them multiple times unless they are
acknowledged. For example, you could create daily repeating events in
the stock Calendar app. On your device, you can set alarms in your
Calendar app to repeat up to 10 times; see
page 204. On certain newer OS devices, you can set them to repeat up
to 100 times, by opening the "Prefs" app and choosing "Sound & Alerts"
"Calendar" and setting the "Repeat" option.
D.) Perhaps you could find some app which can play WAV or MP3 files
instead of system MIDI sounds, as repeating reminders.
E.) You could do what I do, and carry both a Palm OS plus a newer
device all the time. Android or iPhone. Then you could install a
pill reminder app on the newer device.
Might any of the above ideas work for you?
P.S. I wonder which pill you must take every eight hours.
On 9 Feb 2022 at 20:20, unforgettableid wrote:
Most Palm OS apps ...
... system MIDI sounds ...
Indeed, what I need a longer/repeating MIDI sound.
But have not been able to find one, probably been to all known sources.
Did not find an application to generate one either.
The PalmOS MIDI database left much to be desired when it came out.
I think the term used in the US would be 'corny'.
... you could use some app ...
I already have a nice one which is specific to the task.
The freeware version of MedTime 1.50, but the authors are not replying to the
support/registration emails.
... carry both a Palm OS plus a newer device ...
Hmm ...
No thanks.
I'm fine with my Palm T|X and my Blackberry 9320.
... which pill you must take every eight hours.
Ahh ...
It's actually every 12 hours.
At 08:00 am and 08:00 pm.
It was too early, not enough coffee.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write up your suggestions for me. 8^)
Much appreciated.
Sorry to resucitate an old thread but I thought it would be worthwhile.
The freeware version of MedTime 1.50, but the authors are not replying to the
support/registration emails.
I finally managed to contact the publisher of the Palm application Med-Time
tl;dr -> a waste of time
I still used the free version for a while in spite of a few bugs that made it unreliable but it was betetr than nothing.
By chance, I came across another PalmOS alarm application that filled the bill.
Not surprisingly, it is called ‘Alarms’, originally published by PalmarySoft and available https://palmdb.net/app/alarms-by-palmarysoft
Cannot find how to edit the above post so I will continue it here:
Not surprisingly, it is called ‘Alarms’, originally published by PalmarySoft and now available here.
I don’t know if this app is now abandonware, freeware or what so please do take this post with a pinch of salt if uncomfortable with using the ‘Alarms’ application as downloaded from the posted link. The https://www.palmarysoft.com site does not seem to be working and cannot but assume that the company is no longer in business.
That said, the application works perfectly well and is available both in a patched version and a registrable version with a supplied registration code.
By jchecking the date on the upper right hand side, you can see I posted above on Thu, Jan 25, 2024 6:40 AM
For whatever reason, the post got to me just moments ago:
Raw header view from my email client:
Return-Path: <jpilot-bounces+sawbona=gmx.net@lists.jpilot.org>
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for <sawbona@gmx.net>; Thu, 25 Jan 2024 06:40:22 -0500 (EST)
—- snip —-
ie: more than 96 hours later.
Has anyone else had this happen to their posts?
Thanks in advance.
Email is a royal pain in the bottom these days: too many people trying to exploit it.
I have hotmail and haven’t been able to reliably get responses or keep them out of junk mail, so just use the forum.
Maybe something here would be helpful: