Hello jpiloters,
I am getting a lot out of using Natara Bonsai alongside the built-in
apps on my Palm. It is great for project management. It is basically an
outlining application. However it is tricky to use it if you don't have
a desktop version to do things like complex editing, printing, etc.
The obvious choice would be to run the Desktop verison of Natara Bonsai
on a Virtual Box however synchronisation would have to be through Palm
Desktop. As we have been reading recently in this mailing list it is
difficult to get Palm Desktop to talk to the serial ports from within a
Virtual Box these days. I was wondering if jpilot could come to the rescue.
I see two options here:
What do you think?
Hi Jorge,
I guess, that your software keeps its data in one or more PDB databases, right?
If you use the JPilot "Backup" function, those databases will be copied to ~/.jpilot/backupmmddyyyy
From there you could copy or link them to your desktop application.
After you edited your data, you could copy it back by JPilots "Restore" function.
This is not the same than a record-wise sync of your databases, but it may fullfil your needs.
On 3/23/23 14:06, Jorge Quintanilla wrote:
Hello jpiloters,
I am getting a lot out of using Natara Bonsai alongside the built-in
apps on my Palm. It is great for project management. It is basically an
outlining application. However it is tricky to use it if you don't have
a desktop version to do things like complex editing, printing, etc.
The obvious choice would be to run the Desktop verison of Natara Bonsai
on a Virtual Box however synchronisation would have to be through Palm
Desktop. As we have been reading recently in this mailing list it is
difficult to get Palm Desktop to talk to the serial ports from within a
Virtual Box these days. I was wondering if jpilot could come to the rescue.
I see two options here:
The Palm Desktop doesn't back up the databases in the same format as
pilot-link and jpilot. There maybe libraries out there to do this. I
have not checked in many years.
That is possible. A good amount of the work would be reverse
engineering the database. If the author documented the database records
or is willing to then that portion wouldn't be too bad. Someone would
just have to write the app in GTK3, which isn't a small amount of work